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Communication Anthropology Foundation “Ingraft”

“Ingraft” is a foundation committed to working towards social and intercultural inclusion as well as focusing on neurodiversity in designing experiences and creating socially responsible spaces.

The foundation provides training for company employees in neurodiversity and intercultural communication, including sign languages.

The training is profiled to improve employees’ competencies in customer service, cooperation in a diverse team and designing of integrated communication systems and socially responsible spaces.

With the knowledge provided, the company has a chance to build a team with diverse competencies and design user-friendly solutions for different communication capabilities and limitations. Instead of emphasising disability aspects, we teach about the differences and benefits of solutions based on knowledge in the field of anthropology of communication.

Thanks to such activities, companies gain an inclusive, ethical profile, promoting sustainable development and neurodiversity

#inclusion, #diversity, #neurodiversity, #universaldesign, #CSR, #corporatesocialresponsibility,#socialresponsibilityinpublicspace,#sustainability, #accessibility

#inkluzja, #różnorodność, #neuroróżnorodność, #projektowanieuniwersalne, #biznesodpowiedzialnyspołecznie,#przestrzeńodpowiedzialnaspołecznie,#zrównoważonyrozwój, #dostępność

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